11 Tips & Techniques to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Fast

Lose Stubborn belly fat fast , Fat loss Techniques , Fat loss Tips
1. Workout at least 3 times a week - resistance training & intervals are best for Fat Loss. Perform both the Resistance Training & Interval Training on the same day 3 times a week, adding in 30 minutes of moderate activity on the days in between such as salsa, sports, walking etc...

2. Resistance Training is the most important part to any fat loss plan - yes even if you are a lady, you should still lift weights and do some strength training, especially weights that actually challenge your muscles and will sculpt the fit toned body while burning belly fat. Also I've found shorter more intense workouts such as circuit-style training and supersets combining resistance training & bodyweight cardio exercises for around 30 minutes is more effective at burning fat.

3. Intervals are much better than long steady state cardio and will boost your metabolism, burn more overall calories, and will help you lose your belly fat fast.

4. Realize that Each pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To Lose 1lb of Fat you must create a shortage of 3500 calories. (500 calories less a day = 1 pound of fat a week) It's much easier to cut 500 calories a day from your diet but your body will adapt pretty quickly if you don't include an exercise program.

5. Eat 6 small meals each day rather than 2-3 large meals. To do this you would need a well planned schedule including breakfast, a small morning snack, lunch, a small afternoon snack, a sensible dinner, and a small evening snack. Smaller more frequent meals help you control your blood sugar levels allowing you to avoid cravings and hunger pangs.

6. Record your Nutrition - women who take the time to record the foods they eat are significantly more successful in losing fat than the women who don't. A Journal causes you to plan ahead and be honest with yourself as you evaluate your actions. When you write down what you eat, you will be able to control the amount of food you are eating. You can't control something you know nothing about.

7. Social Support - If you don't have someone to cheer you on, it's going to be one hundred times harder than it needs to be.

8. Get Rid of The Scale - most women get disappointed and end up giving up if they weigh themselves every day - concentrate on how your clothes fit and inches (circumferences) and only measure those on a monthly basis.

9. Plan, Shop, Prepare - pick a day (I like Sunday's) and plan your week out (workouts/meals/goals etc), grocery shop and only buy things on your list, and prepare your food/workout clothes etc for the week ahead.

10. Be Consistent & Patient - don't try to change everything at once. Aim for 2-3 improvements each week eg. replace 1 calorie dense drink with 1 glass of water or green tea every day and add 1 piece of fruit or vegetable to your daily meal plan.

11. Enjoy! If you don't enjoy something - it'll be very difficult to stick with it! Find an activity that you can enjoy but still keep you active eg, salsa, rock climbing, volleyball etc.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_Eatly


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